RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 2061833-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 241820Z JUL 24 MID120001295835U FM COMNAVSAFECOM NORFOLK VA TO ALSAFE BT UNCLAS ALSAFE 022/24 SECINFO/U/-// MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVSAFECOM/10/JUL// SUBJ/NAVSAFECOM HUMAN FACTORS IN MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE RISK MANAGEMENT BRIEFINGS NOTIFICATION// REF/A/DOC/OPNAVINST 5450.180G REF/B/DOC/ALSAFE 22/004 NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 5450.180G, THE MISSIONS, FUNCTIONS AND TASKS OF THE NAVAL SAFETY COMMAND. REF B IS ALSAFE 22/004 071647Z JUN 22, NAVAL SAFETY COMMAND ALIGNMENT OF PROCESS AND ASSESSMENTS.// POC/WILLIAMS, JEROD, MASTER GUNNERY SERGEANT/NAVSAFECOM/10/757-444-3520 X7276/DSN 564-3520 X7276, JEROD.W.WILLIAMS.MIL@US.NAVY.MIL// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This ALSAFE applies to Navy aviation commands only. Naval Safety Command will be conducting Human Factors in Maintenance and Maintenance risk Management (MRM) safety brief in the Whidbey Island, WA area 30 July through 2 August 2024. This message serves as official notification to all installations, commands, and units in that area. 2. The Naval Safety Command will provide MRM safety briefs on various topics, to include but not limited to: Real world experiences to emphasize concepts, practices, procedures and pitfalls associated with the aviation maintenance environment. This presentation targets plane captains, the "deckplate" maintainer, all quality assurance representatives, and all maintenance managers. The MRM interactive safety brief serves as an outstanding tool to aid in the refocusing of individual and organizational mindsets. 3. The MRM is an informal brief presented by senior maintenance leaders From the Naval Safety Command and runs approximately one to one and a half hours In length depending on participation. This presentation is best suited for organizational and intermediate level aviation maintenance personnel, air station, and air operations personnel who direct, control, move aircraft, and /or move equipment around aircraft. Each briefing is scheduled to last 2 hours, with a total of 4 briefings per day. The timings for the briefings will be as follows: 0800-1000, 1000-1200, 1200-1400, and 1400-1600. The briefings for Tuesday and Wednesday will be for the VAQ squadrons, while those on Thursday and Friday will be for the VP squadrons. Ensure that the respective squadrons are informed and available to attend on their designated days. 4. Brief delivery plan (read in five columns) DATE BASE LOCATION TIME TARGET TIME AUDIENCE 30 JUL NAS Whidbey Island Out Auditorium 0800 CVWP 30 JUL NAS Whidbey Island Out Auditorium 1000 CVWP 30 JUL NAS Whidbey Island Out Auditorium 1200 CVWP 30 JUL NAS Whidbey Island Out Auditorium 1400 CVWP 31 JUL NAS Whidbey Island Out Auditorium 0800 CVWP 31 JUL NAS Whidbey Island Out Auditorium 1000 CVWP 31 JUL NAS Whidbey Island Out Auditorium 1200 CVWP 31 JUL NAS Whidbey Island Out Auditorium 1400 CVWP 1 AUG NAS Whidbey Island Base Theater 0800 CPRW10 1 AUG NAS Whidbey Island Base Theater 1000 CPRW10 1 AUG NAS Whidbey Island Base Theater 1200 CPRW10 1 AUG NAS Whidbey Island Base Theater 1400 CPRW10 2 AUG NAS Whidbey Island Base Theater 0800 CPRW10 2 AUG NAS Whidbey Island Base Theater 1000 CPRW10 2 AUG NAS Whidbey Island Base Theater 1200 CPRW10 2 AUG NAS Whidbey Island Base Theater 1400 CPRW10 BT #0001 NNNN