RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 0701537-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 111537Z MAR 25 MID320000798954U FM COMNAVSAFECOM NORFOLK VA TO ALSAFE BT UNCLAS ALSAFE 012/25 SECINFO/U//+ MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVSAFECOM/30/MAR// SUBJ/ RECIPIENTS OF THE FY 2024 CNO AWARDS FOR ACHIEVEMENT IN AFLOAT SAFETY// REF/A/DOC/OPNAVINST 1650.28C// REF/B/DOC/SECNAVINST 5100.10L// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1650.28C, CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS AVIATION, AFLOAT, SHORE, EXPEDITIONARY AND SPECIAL WARFARE, AND SAFETY LEADERSHIP AWARDS PROGRAM. REF B IS SECNAVINST 5100.10L, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SAFETY PROGRAM.// POC/JOSEPH MORRISON/CIV/COMNAVSAFECOM/30/NORFOLK/757-444-3520 X7090/DSN 564-3520 X7090/JOSEPH.T.MORRISON4.CIV@US.NAVY.MIL// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Per references (a) and (b), it is a pleasure to announce the winners of the FY 2024 CNO Afloat Safety Awards for significant contributions to Navy safety and occupational health. Congratulations to the following CNO Afloat Safety Award winners: a. COMMANDER NAVAL SURFACE FORCE ATLANTIC: USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG 58) USS CARNEY (DDG 64) USS WASP (LHD 1) USS ARLINGTON (LPD 24) USS ST LOUIS (LCS 19) b. COMMANDER NAVAL SURFACE FORCE, U.S. PACIFIC FLEET: USS BENFOLD (DDG 65) USS BOXER (LHD 4) USS MIGUEL KEITH (ESB 5) USS WARRIOR (MCM 10) c. COMMANDER NAVAL AIR FORCE, ATLANTIC: USS GERALD R. FORD (CVN 78) d. COMMANDER NAVAL AIR FORCE, U.S. PACIFIC FLEET: USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CVN 72) e. COMMANDER SUBMARINE FORCE, ATLANTIC: USS CHEYENNE (SSN 773) f. COMMANDER MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND USS EMORY S. LAND (AS 39) 2. This award recognizes outstanding contributions to fleet readiness, Increased morale, efficiency, and economical use of resources through safety. In addition to an outstanding safety record, ships selected this year had an aggressive safety program that actively contributed to increased mishap prevention, including comprehensive and professional safety reporting. 3. Recipients are authorized to display the green safety "S" on the bulwark until the results of the next competitive cycle are announced. 4. The winners of the CNO ship-helicopter safety awards for FY 2024 are: a. LAMPS AIR-CAPABLE USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG 58) HSM-74.1 DETACHMENT EMBARKED USS DANIEL INOUYE (DDG 118) HSM-37.5 DETACHMENT EMBARKED b. AMPHIBIOUS AIR-CAPABLE USS SOMERSET (LPD 25) VMM 165 AVIATION COMBAT ELEMENT (ACE) EMBARKED 5. This award recognizes outstanding contributions to fleet readiness through proven safety performance and an aggressive helicopter safety program that promotes safety consciousness and contributes new and constructive ideas for mishap prevention. 6. The FY 2024 winners of the VADM Bulkeley and RADM Buie awards for afloat safety culture are: a. VADM BULKELEY AWARD (SHIP) USS BAINBRIDGE (DDG 96) USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CVN 72) b. RADM BUIE AWARD (INDIVIDUAL) LT Christopher T. Hanlin, USS BAINBRIDGE (DDG 96) 7. This award recognizes outstanding contributions within the surface and submarine communities to afloat safety awareness through hazard, near mishap, and lessons learned reporting and safety media publications during a fiscal year. 8. FY 2024 CNO Safety Award plaques will be forwarded to the winners via their respective echelon II commands. As this award is a significant accomplishment, CNO requests each award presentation be made by a flag officer within the winner's chain of command. 9. These award winners are recognized for their exceptional professionalism, commitment to excellence, solid leadership, teamwork, and an in-depth risk management culture which resulted in safe and effective operations. All nominees are to be commended for the significant contributions they have made toward reducing mishaps, increasing mission readiness, and preserving our most precious asset, sailors and civilians. Congratulations to all for a job well done.// 10. RADM D. P. Martin sends.// BT #0001 NNNN