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Executive Director Bi-Weekly Update


Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning! The Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center (NSTEC) is excited to announce that FY25 QTR1 quotas will be released today (10 July). In this bi-weekly update, I aim to provide an overview of available quotas and offer guidance on enrolling in NSETC courses.  NSETC also appreciates all the inputs from the field following a review of our draft FY25 CHRON <- schedule (FY25 CHRON is attached).  All additions/changes since the initial draft schedule release have been highlighted for quick reference.  For your awareness we have consolidated in the FY25 CHRON, tabs 3 and 4, of which you can find inputs of quota’s requested by Echelon 2’s for FY25 resident and online courses from our annual Needs Assessment tasker.  Friendly reminder to all, if you double click in the needs assessment quota numbers for a course at a certain location, or for our online quotas, you can easily see in the pop-up excel spreadsheet the numbers of quotas requested by each Echelon 2.  Once reviewed you can easily hid the pop-up sheet.        
For FY25 QTR1 - The team will release 2,975 quotas across 72 course convenings. Our FY25 QTR1 course schedule includes the following courses:

  • Afloat Environmental Protection Coordinator (Global Online)
  • Asbestos Inspector Initial
  • Asbestos Inspector Refresher
  • Asbestos Management Planner Initial
  • Asbestos Management Planner Refresher
  • Asbestos Supervisor Initial
  • Asbestos Supervisor Refresher
  • Aviation Safety Specialist (Global Online)
  • Competent Person for Fall Protection Course (Resident)
  • Confined Space Safety
  • Emergency Asbestos Response Team
  • Facility Response Team (FRT) Five Day
  • Fall Protection Program Manager Course (Global Online)
  • Fire Protection and Life Safety
  • General Industry Safety Standards (Global Online)
  • Hazardous Material Control and Management [HMC&M] Technician (Global Online)
  • Incident Command System 300 (ICS 300)
  • Incident Command System 400 (ICS 400)
  • Industrial Noise
  • Introduction to Hazardous Materials [Ashore] (Global Online)
  • Introduction to Industrial Hygiene for Safety Professionals (Global Online)
  • Introduction to Naval Safety and Occupational Health (Global Online)
  • Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards (Global Online)
  • Mishap Investigation (Global Online)
  • Navy Ergonomics Program (Global Online)
  • Operational Risk Management Application & Integration (Global Online)
  • Respiratory Protection Program Management
  • Safety Managers Course
  • Safety Programs Afloat (Global Online)
  • Submarine Safety Officer (Global Online)
Enrollment via the Enterprise Navy Training Reservation System (eNTRS) is the primary enrollment method for all Navy courses. eNTRS provides the means for Fleet activities to view and request seats in Navy schools. Please take a few minutes to ensure you have access to eNTRS. If access is needed, use this link to request it (https://main.prod.cetars.training.navy.mil/cetars/main.html). If you are assisting others with reservations, please make sure your access request includes UICs of all your students. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you along the way:
  • If eNTRS fails to open, try using Edge and allow the browser to access the site using IE Mode.
  • If you encounter issues signing up someone within your UIC, please double-check their student information. Ensure their data is current and accurately reflects their rank and UIC.
  • For requests denied due to email, verify that you provided the correct student email address in the request. The email address can be either a .mil or personal email.
  • Please ensure you are a good steward of all quotas requested for you or someone else. The Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center needs your assistance in lowering the number of quotas taken by no-show students. A list of FY24 no-show students is attached. As of 9 July, 1,459 no-show students have taken seats from other students who require training. As a reminder, a no-show is:

    1. A command/activity has a quota for a student who does not report for a course of instruction (COI), and the command does not provide a replacement student at the initial class muster.
    2. A command cancels a granted quota in 4 or fewer working days before a course convening without providing a replacement.
    3. A student does not meet course prerequisites.
    4. A student is absent from the COI to the extent that they cannot obtain credit for the course.
Course Type Online Resident Quotas Provided Quotas Used (Grads, Fails, No-Shows) Grads % Grads Fails %Fails No-Show %No-Shows Walk-in %Walk-in
EEM 17 54 2465 1926 1608 83.5% 19 1.0% 299 15.5% 374 19%
Safety 138 61 7755 6645 5649 85.6% 114 1.7% 1160 17.4% 137 2%
We have several FY24 July-Sept courses pending cancelation due to low enrollment. We cannot stress enough the importance of reserving quotas via the eNTRS system. The system allows us to track enrollment while ensuring open and fair enrollment across fleet. The system also allows the training center to document course completion that flows to the student’s official training jacket. Access to this is beneficial for the students and for their leadership to track course completion across the command. The following courses currently have several open quotas we hope to fill:
Course Title CDP Location Start Date Enrolled Min Students Community
Emergency Asbestos Response Team 438J Pearl Harbor, HI 7/31/2024 4 5 Safety
Incident Command System 300 (ICS 300) Refresher 05ZD Bremerton, WA 8/14/2024 4 5 Environmental
Incident Command System 300 (ICS 300) Refresher 05ZD Mayport, FL 8/14/2024 0 5 Environmental
Incident Command System 300 (ICS 300) Refresher 05ZD Crane, IN 8/28/2024 0 5 Environmental
Oil Hazardous Substance Spill Response Tabletop Exercise (OHS TTX) 05ZE Port Hueneme, CA 8/29/2024 0 5 Environmental
Oil Hazardous Substance Spill Response Tabletop Exercise (OHS TTX) 05ZE Crane, IN 8/29/2024 0 5 Environmental

Thank you all for your feedback on our bi-weekly updates. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Hal Mohler
Executive Director
Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center
NIPR:  Hallock.N.Mohler.Civ@US.Navy.MIL
NSETC Logo  
For Online Courses visit: https://www.navsafenvtracenlearn.com
To view our schedule and course locations: https://navalsafetycommand.navy.mil/Learning/NAVSAFENVTRACEN/NAVSAFENVTRACEN/
To request a quota for a course visit: https://app.prod.cetars.training.navy.mil/eNTRS/
For any quota related questions email Quota Control netceast.quotas@navy.mil