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The Safety Awareness team creates concise, readable (and sometimes funny) safety lessons to help Sailors, Marines and civilian employees (and their families) avoid repeating a mishap. Our goal is to make people think! We do our best to tell a story that people will remember – that they’ll recall when going through their normal day – that empowers them to identify hazards, accept “ownership” and responsibility for those hazards (in their community, command, and home), and take action. Your feedback is valuable! Send us your thoughts or ask to be added to our email distribution list at
Below are the publicly releasable Safety Awareness dispatches. For access to the full library of SA dispatches and sanitized reports, visit our CAC-enabled website at
SA 25-08 - E-Scooter Mishaps (Episode VII) SA 25-07 - The Dangers of Doors and Hatches SA 25-06 - High Risk Training SA 25-05 - Knife Mishaps IV SA 25-04 - Latent Failures SA 25-03 - Motorcycle Mishaps V SA 25-02 - Explosive Demolition and Breaching Mishaps SA 25-01 - Aircraft Towing and Towing Gear Mishaps
SA 24-36 - Winter Driving III SA 24-35 - Winter Sports VI SA 24-34 - Off-Duty Firearms Mishaps SA 24-33 - Underway Replenishment Mishaps SA 24-32 - Outdoor Fires SA 24-31 - Autumn Outdoor Mishaps SA 24-30 - Live Fire and Maneuver Mishaps SA 24-29 - 101 Critical Days of Summer Wrap-Up SA 24-28 - On-Duty Boat Mishaps SA 24-27 - If You Ride A Motorcycle, Read This SA 24-26 - Shipboard Ladder Mishaps V SA 24-25 - M320 Grenade Launcher Mishaps SA 24-23 - Random Acts of Senselessness (Summer Edition) SA 24-22 - Pierside Heavy Weather Mishaps SA 24-21 - On-Duty Negligent Discharges SA 24-20 - The 50.5 Critical Days of Summer SA 24-19 - Aviation Electrical Shocks SA 24-17 - Summer Driving Mishaps SA 24-16 - Heat Stress Mishaps II SA 24-15 - The Consequences of Not Speaking Up SA 24-14 - A Tale of Two Sonar Domes SA 24-13 - Water-Related Mishaps SA 24-12 - Pedestrian Mishaps II SA 24-11 - Scooter Mishaps (Episode VI) SA 24-10 - Off-Duty Firearms Mishaps IX SA 24-09 - Backyard Blunders SA 24-08 - Towed Array Mishaps SA 24-07 - Motorcycle Mishaps IV SA 24-06 - Why Don't We Follow Procedures SA 24-05 - Gym Mishaps SA 24-04 - Knife Mishaps III SA 24-03 - The Office Mishaps SA 24-02 - Weight Handling Mishaps SA 24-01 - Winter Sports Mishaps V
SA 23-36 - Winter Driving II SA 23-35 - Communication Breakdowns SA 23-34 - Holiday Hazards SA 23-33 - Casualty Evacuation Failures SA 23-32 - USS Saturn Shipyard Fire SA 23-31 - Shipboard Ladder Mishaps IV SA 23-30 - Gun and Bow Mishaps (Hunting Edition) SA 23-29 - Fall-ing Down SA 23-28 - Motorcycle Fatalities SA 23-27 - Physical Training Injuries II SA 23-26 - Tactical Vehicle Mishaps SA 23-25 - M18 Service Pistol Mishaps SA 23-24 - Fatigue SA 23-23 - What is a Risk Registry and Why Do You Need One SA 23-22 - All-Terrain Vehicle Mishaps SA 23-21 - Team Sports Injuries SA 23-20 - Heat Stress Mishaps SA 23-19 - Amphibious Combat Vehicle Mishaps SA 23-18 - Bladed Tool Mishaps SA 23-17 - What Is The SMS and Why You Should Care SA 23-16 - E-Scooter Mishaps V SA 23-15 - Motorcycle Mishaps III SA 23-14 - Off Duty Firearms Mishaps VIII SA 23-13 - Rip Currents SA 23-12 - Lithium-Ion Battery Fires SA 23-11 - The "Summery" of Mishaps SA 23-10 - The Importance of Training SA 23-09 - Hawthorne Mortar Mishap SA 23-08 - Why You Should Wear Your Seatbelt SA 23-07 - Hazardous Material Mishaps SA 23-06 - Inattention SA 23-05 - PPE Related Mishaps SA 23-04 - Aviation Maintenance Mishaps - The Human Element SA 23-03 - Traumatic Brain Injuries SA 23-02 - Afloat Electrical Mishaps SA 23-01 - Winter Driving Mishaps
SA 22-27 - Off-Duty Firearm Mishaps VII SA 22-26 - Falls From Height SA 22-25 - Winter Sports IV SA 22-24 - Stairs and Pets SA 22-23 - Bicycling Mishaps SA 22-22 - Autumn Injuries SA 22-21 - 101 Critical Days of Summer - A Debrief SA 22-20 - Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Mishaps SA 22-19 - Assault Amphibious Vehicle Sinking SA 22-18 - Disabled Vehicle Mishaps SA 22-17 - Stair-Related Mishaps SA 22-16 - Obstacle Course Mishaps SA 22-15 - The 50 1/2 Critical Days of Summer - A Mid-Term Report Card SA 22-14 - Fireworks Mishaps III SA 22-13 - Aircraft Damaged During Landing Gear Checks SA 22-12 - Loss of Remotely Operated Vehicle SA 22-11 - E-Scooter Mishaps (Episode IV) SA 22-10 - We Know What You Did Last Summer SA 22-09 - Force on Force Training SA 22-08 - Motorcycle Mishaps II SA 22-07 - Knife Mishaps II LL 22-06 - Marine Left in Desert - Fatality LL 22-05 - Eye-Related Mishaps LL 22-04 - Amputations LL 22-03 - Winter Sports Mishaps III LL 22-02 - Office Mishaps II LL 22-01 - Shipboard Ladder Mishaps (Episode III)
LL 21-32 - Driving Safety LL 21-31 - Holiday Ladder Falls LL 21-30 - Off-Duty Firearms Mishaps LL 21-29 - Autumn Fires LL 21-28 - The Slips and Trips of Fall | VIDEO: Slips and Trips of Fall Once Upon a Mishap LL 21-27 - Shipboard Missile Firing Mishap LL 21-26 - Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Sinkings LL 21-25 - Concussions LL 21-24 - On-Duty Firearm Negligent Discharges LL 21-23 - Physical Training Injuries LL 21-22 - Afloat Tug-Related Mishaps LL 21-21 - Cutting Corners LL 21-20 - Helicopter Midair Collision LL 21-19 - Aviation Wire Strike Mishap (Fatalities) LL 21-18 - Heat-Related Mishaps LL 21-17 - Shipboard Steering Casualties LL 21-16 - Fireworks Mishaps II | VIDEO: Fireworks Once Upon a Mishap LL 21-15 - Motorcycle Mishaps LL 21-14 - Electric Scooters III (Revenge of the Cracks) | VIDEO: You're the Key to Electric Scooter Safety LL 21-13 - Afloat Negligent Discharges LL 21-12 - Animal-Related Injuries LL 21-11 - Naval Safety Center's Summer Vacation | VIDEO: Capt Dave's Once Upon A Mishap (Summer Vacation edition) LL 21-10 - Off-Duty Firearms Mishaps (Episode V) LL 21-09 - Random Acts of Senselessness | VIDEO: Capt Dave's Random Acts Storytime LL 21-08 - Shipboard Forklift Mishaps LL 21-07 - Electrical Mishaps LL 21-05 - Formality and Communication Breakdown LL 21-03 - Lithium Battery Fires LL 21-02 - Parachute Jump Exits LL 21-01 - Winter Sports Mishaps II | VIDEO: Winter Sports Mishaps
LL 20-33 - Deliberate Risk Assessments LL 20-32 - Shipboard Ladder Mishaps LL 20-31 - Winter Blunderland / Winter Blunderland Video LL 20-29 - Off-Duty Vehicle Maintenance Mishaps LL 20-28 - Hunting Mishaps LL 20-27 - Wrong Tool for the Job LL 20-26 - Autumn Fails / Once Upon a Mishap Video LL 20-25 - Keep Your Arms and Legs Inside the Vehicle LL 20-24 - Cold Water Dive Mishap LL 20-23 - Pedestrian Mishaps LL 20-22 - Fatigued Driving LL 20-21 - Electric Scooters II - We Told You So LL 20-20 - Shipboard Alarms LL 20-19 - Shallow Water Blackout LL 20-18 - Swimming Mishaps LL 20-17 - Falling Object Hazards LL 20-14 - Fireworks Mishaps LL 20-12 - Mishaps of Summer LL 20-07 - Slips, Trips and Dental Trauma LL 20-06 - Off-Duty Firearms (...and a crossbow) LL 20-04 - Distracted Walking LL 20-02 - Winter Sports Mishaps LL 20-01 - Winter Electrical Safety
LL 19-26 - Holiday Ladder Safety LL 19-25 - Backyard Fire Mishaps LL 19-24 - Judgment Day LL 19-23 - Six Traits of a Mishap Ship LL 19-22 - Electric Scooters LL 19-21 - Soccer Goal Anchoring LL 19-18 - Knife Mishaps LL 19-17 - Mishaps Averted LL 19-16 - Off-Duty Firearms LL 19-14 - The Office Space Mishaps LL 19-13 - The Half-Life of Scared LL 19-08 - Trailing Hand Technique (Shore_Civilian) LL 19-06 - Trailing Hand Technique (Afloat) LL 19-05 - Best Practice - Embedded Trainers LL 19-04 - Firefighting - Hazards of Aircraft Composite Materials LL 19-02 - Aircraft Move Briefs LL 19-01 - Invisible Injuries - Hearing Loss
LL 18-18 - Why We Don't See Motorcycles LL 18-15 - Navy Off-Duty Firearms LL 18-13 - Medical-Dental Sharp Safety LL 18-09 - Off-Duty Hiking/Swimming Mishaps LL 18-07 - Off-Duty Woodworking Mishaps LL 18-05 - Shipboard Ladder Falls LL 18-03 - USMC Off-Duty Firearms
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