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Are You At Risk?
Enhancements to TRiPS include:
Questions or concerns email the Navy TRiPS manager at
No one should have to tell a family that their loved one died in a traffic wreck.
TRiPS is a mission-planning tool, and driving is a mission. TRiPS is designed to reinforce common-sense driving skills, such as staying alert, not drinking, getting adequate sleep, wearing your seatbelt, and slowing down. It includes accident stories that happened to real service members who, like you, were driving home on leave.
Do your part. Fill out TRiPS and have your supervisior review it. Be aware of driving risks and take appropriate action.
The new program requires all users to re-register. The initial registration will require the use of a CAC card. This is a one-time registration. A user will no longer be required to register a new account every time his or her military email address changes. After registration, a user can access TRiPS via CAC or user name and password. The new URL accessing TRiPS is: https://TRIPS.SAFETY.ARMY.MIL/.
TRiPS Off-line Assessment Form - To use the off-line assessment form, the user and supervisor must have accounts in the new TRiPS.
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