Home : Safety Promotions : Videos1
Check out our latest videos below! For more safety videos visit us on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/c/NavalSafetyCenterOfficial/videos or DVIDS at https://www.dvidshub.net/unit/NSC.

Fall and Winter Safety PSA New!                              Link on DVIDS    Link to YouTube   10/24/2021
Famous Last Words                                                        Link on DVIDS    Link to YouTube   10/06/2021
Happy 246th Navy Birthday                                          Link on DVIDS    Link to YouTube   07/03/2021
Naval Safety Center Command Video                     Link on DVIDS    Link to YouTube   07/01/2021

Video Series
Check out our Captain Dave Once Upon A Mishap and Lessons Learned  Videos below!

Random Acts of Senselessness New!      [LSRCUCNV(1]            Link on DVIDS    Link on YouTube   09/15/2021
Fireworks Safety with Captain Dave                        Link on DVIDS    Link to YouTube   09/15/2021
Lessons Learned: E-Scooter Safety                           Link on DVIDS    Link to YouTube   05/27/2021
Boating Safety with Capt. Dave [LSRCUCNV(2]                            Link on DVIDS    Link to YouTube   05/19/2021

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