14 September 2022 New SMS Promotes Safety Mindset, Focus The Department of the Navy has released its new Safety Management System (SMS), signaling significant changes toward a safety focus and mindset that embraces critical self-assessment and self-correction from the deckplate on up...
13 September 2022 Back to School: Not Just for Kids says NAVSAFENVTRACEN The Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center (NAVSAFENVTRACEN) wants the naval enterprise to know a back-to-school mindset is not just for kids this fall. With more courses available, the center hopes to fill seats both virtually and in-person to accommodate the needs of the Navy and Marine...
30 August 2022 Global Submarine Safety Officer Course The Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) Submarine Safety Division completed another Global Submarine Safety Officer Course Aug. 18...
26 August 2022 With Great Freedom Comes Great Responsibility It was the summer of 1976, the year of America’s bicentennial, and 23-year-old Air Force Airman David Kelley was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, his first duty station. At Nellis, Kelley got his first motorcycle, a 1974 Suzuki GT 380, from a fellow airman who was transferring from the...
09 August 2022 NAVSAFECOM's Mission, Functions, Tasks Updated The Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) marked another milestone with recent updates to its mission, functions and tasks, which outline its increased authority and responsibilities aimed at identifying hazards and reducing risk to our warfighters...
03 August 2022 NAVSAFECOM Ensures Safe Diving Fleetwide Divers across the naval enterprise will be safer, thanks in part to thorough assessments by the Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM), resulting in an update to diving operations and maintenance by Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)...
02 August 2022 Blog: Summer Loading and CALA Operations Inclement weather can have various effects on ordnance handling operations. The NATOPS Conventional Weapons Handling Procedures Manual (NAVAIR-00-80T-103) mentions “Rain, snow, sleet, hail and other types of precipitation will impact the safe handling of ordnance.” The manual goes into greater...
25 July 2022 Blog: Preventing Heat Stress on the Flight Line Sailors and Marines often work in hazardous environments at their duty stations. Military aviation operations are some of the most dangerous with propellers spinning, jet exhaust blowing, high-powered electrical and radar systems, high-pressure air, high noise, numerous different types of hazardous...
22 July 2022 Naval Safety Command Gets New Commander Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) held a change of command ceremony at Naval Air Station Oceana today where Rear Adm. Christopher M. Engdahl relieved Rear Adm. F.R. “Lucky” Luchtman as the 58th commander of the Navy’s top safety organization...
21 July 2022 The 50 1/2 Critical Days of Summer - A Mid-Term Report Card As we crossed the mid-semester point of the 101 Critical Days of Summer, we took a snapshot of how well − or not well − the naval services scored during their off-duty time. While it appears we are on track for an overall passing grade, making the “Dean’s Honor Roll” would be a stretch. We’ve...