15 March 2023 Registration Open for Joint Safety and Environmental Development Symposium Registration recently opened for the 31st Annual Joint Safety and Environmental Professional Development Symposium (PDS) April 17-21, 2023...
27 January 2023 NAVSAFECOM Announces Fleet-Facing Public Affairs Campaign Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) seeks Sailors and Marines to feature in safety campaigns and promotions such as the "101 Critical Days of Summer," "Fall and Winter Safety" and other off-duty activities...
10 January 2023 NAVSAFECOM Announces RMI Training Sessions The Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) continues to conduct virtual Risk Management Information Streamlined Incident Reporting (RMI SIR) familiarization training with the next sessions starting Jan. 17 through Feb. 9 via Teams. Training will cover topics including instruction on SIR account access,...
09 January 2023 Naval Enterprise can Expect Risk Management Assessments Naval enterprise commands can now expect assessments of their risk management and self-improvement practices by Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) assurance teams...
02 December 2022 Winter is Coming: Maintaining the Maintainer in a Cold Weather Environment With the winter months approaching, the requirements for aircraft inspections, service, repairs, and/or modifications remain the same, but, as maintainers, we are faced with a different type of challenge. Maintenance performed in exposed and unprotected environments places personnel at a higher risk...
17 November 2022 Don't Be a Turkey When Hitting the Roads It’s that time of year when many begin imagining the smells of delicious pumpkin pie, turkey and stuffing. Some have already started thoughtful prep work in anticipation of preparing the perfect meal for their loved ones this Thanksgiving. As we look ahead to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, the...
15 November 2022 Safety Training Courses Available for FY23, Assess Needs Now for FY24 Quotas Reducing no-show students, unused quotas and under-projected training needs are critically important goals for the Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center (NAVSAFEVTRACEN) this fiscal year (FY)...
08 November 2022 Blog: Chill Out! It’s Just Snow … While operating in the cold weather environment, maintenance support personnel, aircrews and aircraft will all face numerous hazards due to their direct exposure to the elements. If managed correctly, operations can be executed without significant impact on the mission while keeping maintenance...
24 October 2022 Blog: Icy Conditions during Aircraft Maintenance Performing aircraft maintenance during the winter can be challenging, mainly because the winter months produce numerous potential hazards for maintainers and aircraft that we don’t have to worry about during the summer. Being aware of these hazards that can occur during the winter months helps us...
03 October 2022 Naval Safety Command Presents the 2022 Fall and Winter Safety Presentation As we transition from the summer to the fall and winter seasons, the Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) continues to promote a safety-first mindset, with the release of its annual 2022 Fall and Winter Safety presentation Oct. 1...