Home : Stand Down : Aviation Safety Blogs

Aviation Safety Blogs is a platform for Naval Safety Command members and aviation community contributors to provide insights in support of the Commander, Naval Air Forces Aviation Mishap Prevention Campaign. The blogs amplify a culture where self-aware, self-critical and self-improving organizations focus on people and processes to eliminate mishaps from our workplace and transform into a learning organization.


​24-17 - Aviation Maintenance Procedural Compliance
​24-16 - Eyewash Station Maintenance Critical Responsibility
​24-15 - Preventing Improper Maintenance in Naval Aviation
​24-14 - Safeguarding Maintenance Excellence
​24-13 - Dressing for Success
24-12 - HAZMAT Crucial Defense
24-11 - Flight Line Deck Safety
24-10 - Ensuring Operational Readiness
24-09 - Enlisted Aviation Safety Specialist
24-08 - The New Era of Publications
24-07 - Operating Within Your Limits
24-06 - Gun Safety
24-05 - What to Expect During a Pierside Ordnance Transfer Evolution
24-04 - Performing Under Perceived Pressure
24-03 – Maintenance Reports
24-02 – Out with AFFF
24-01 – Fire Alarms


23-12 – Are We Ready
23-11 – The Shocking Truth About Electrical Safety
23-10 – The Invisible Danger - Electrostatic Discharge
23-09 – Fall Protection
23-08 – Hangar Bay Door Safety
23-07 – Better Battery Storage
23-06 – High Risk Evolutions
23-05 – Know Your People
23-04 – Fireworks, Flames and Safety
23-03 – Winter is Coming
23-02 – Chill Out! It's Just Snow...
23-01 – Icy Conditions During Aircraft Maintenance


22-20 – A Teacher Becomes the Student
22-19 – Hazards of Lightning Strikes in Aviation
22-18 – Summer Loading and CALA Operations
22-17 – Paraloft Environmental Requirements
22-16 – Preventing Heat Stress on the Flight Line
22-15 – 101 Days of Summer (Mobile Facilities Edition)
22-14 – The Importance of Wearing PPE Even in a Hot Environment
22-13 – Don't Touch That! Hot Aircraft Surfaces
22-12 – Damage During Landing Gear Checks
22-11 – Report That Common Ground Hazard ASAP!
22-10 – Using RMI to Spot Squadron Trends
22-09 – QA Presence Promotes Safety-Conscious Culture
22-08 – Planned and Organized GSE Storage Prevents Crunches
22-07 – Planning for Unplanned Aircraft Moves
22-06 – How to Run an Effective Maintenance Control Meeting to Reduce Mishaps
22-05 – How to Conduct an Effective Movement Brief
22-04 – Effective Maintenance Shift Change Briefs
22-03 – Stay Focused During the Holidays (Archived)
22-02 – How to Create an Effective Safety Bulletin Board
22-01 – Managing Maintenance Risk with the Reduced Holiday Workforce (Archived)